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Top-10 Most Valuable Brands |
BrandFinance released it Global Brand Value report in February 2018. Some of the highlights from the reports are –
- At US$150.8 billion in Brand Value, Amazon is the world’s most valuable brand ahead of Apple and Google in the report
- Apple’s diversification challenges are taking a toll on its Brand Value
- Technology brands rule the roost with all Top-5 brands in Brand Value table are from technology sectors
- The growth of Chinese brands has been phenomenal. Since 2008, China’s share of global brand value has increased from 3% to 15%, growing to US$911.5 billion in 2018
The approach, also known as ‘Relief from Royalty’ is based on a notion.
Imagine that a brand holding company (For example, Nestle) owns the brand (Maggi) and decides to license the brand to a different operating company (ABC Food Products). This means that Nestle decides, not to sell the brand Maggi itself but to license ABC Food Products to sell the brand. So, ABC Food products will be able to use all the elements related to brand Maggi and generate revenue out of the sale of Maggi.
Now, obviously in return Nestle would expect a revenue stream from ABC Food Products. This revenue stream would be called as ‘Royalty’ which ABC Food Products will pay to Nestle for using brand Maggi for its own profits. This Royalty value is notional, as the value of brand is more conceptual than actual cash-flow at that time (since the revenue will only start coming in future and that too cannot be accurately estimated).
This notional price paid by ABC Food Products (called, the operating company) to Nestle (called, the brand company) is expressed as ‘Royalty Rate’.
Since the revenue made by ABC Food Products by selling brand Maggi is going to be realized only in future, the estimated revenue stream for future must be calculated and should eventually be expressed in its present value form. This is because the value of the brand (Maggi) is to be estimated at present. To find the present value of revenue stream/cash-flow in future, the Net Present Value (NPV) method is used after estimating the future revenue stream or cash flow.
The Net Present Value (NPV), thus found based on all forecasted royalties, represents the value of the brand to the business.
Step by Step Process given by BrandFinance for calculation under Royalty Relief method.
- Obtain Brand specific Financial data
- Annual Revenue, Annual Profits and Profitability (Ex. For Maggi)
- Estimate the demand of the product category and individual Brands including your own Brand as well as the competitor Brands
- Demand Estimation for Instant Noodles, and individual demand estimation for Maggi, Sunfeast Yippi, Top-Ramen and Patanjali noodles
- Estimate the future cash-flow or revenue stream for the brand based on the financial data and category and brand demand
- Future Revenue and profits estimation for the brand
- Let’s say this comes to $ 20 bn (Absolute value, without considering the year of realization).
- Establish the notional Royalty Rate for each brand
- Royalty Rate = (Brand Strength Index) x (Royalty Range)
- Brand Strength Index – A score on a scale of 1-100 based on:
- Marketing Investment – Investment towards brand building in terms of advertising etc.
- Stakeholder Equity – Brand Perception among various stakeholders including the Brand owners, marketing managers, company employees, channel partners and most importantly the customers
- Business Performance – Financial measures representing the status of the brand in terms of price strength, sales volume and trade leverage
- Hypothetically, let’s say this comes to 80.
- Royalty Range – A range of percentage value for a given industry/segment (For Ex. Instant noodles segment) which represents what is importance of a brand for a customer in that industry
- Premium and Luxury (luxury watches, expensive jewelry etc) segments have a high brand importance for customers and hence have a higher Royalty Range
- Commoditised or low-risk segments (steel, staple food products etc.) have lower brand importance due to minimum differentiation and hence lower Royalty Range
- Hypothetically, let’s say this comes to 20%.
- Hence, Royalty Rate = 80 x 20% = 16% (This is Royalty Rate that represents that this percentage of sales for the Brand comes due to its Brand Name)
- Calculate the notional future royalty income stream for each brand.
- Based on the Royalty Rate Calculated, arrive at a revenue portion which is realized due to the brand value
- Based on Future Cashflow and Royalty Rate, this comes to $ 3.2 bn (Check table below)
- Discount this future Royalty stream to arrive at a Net Present Value (NPV)
- NPV is calculated based on the discounted rate (assumed 6%). In this case, the NPV is calculated $ 2.38 bn
- This is adjudged as the Brand Value of the brand, in our example, for Maggi.
- Brand Value of Maggi comes to $ 2.38 bn (Based on hypothetical figures taken for Future Sales, Royalty Range and Brand Strength Index, for understanding purpose only)
Clearly, Royalty Relief technique is not only one of the easier techniques for Brand Valuation, it is also a good estimate of brand value since it takes into consideration, the brand’s strength, its financial performance, competitor standing and also its future revenue estimates. Brand strength also brings in the factors like how much the company is spending on the brand building efforts, what is the equity or engagement of the stakeholders with the brand and the actual business performance.
While, this approach does not take into consideration the influence of competitor brands in the future sales and the effectiveness of the marketing spends for brand building, which may have an adverse effect on the calculation of Brand Value, Royalty Relief is still, a simple to understand as well as implement method, to calculate Brand Value for any given brand.