A Moving Ad that questions the society of its guilt-free attitude while sitting on a pile of flesh-trade of its own. The poster conceives an idea and expresses it in a strong message pin pointing at the 'root-cause of flesh-trade which, unfortunately is flourishing like none.
Prajwala is an anti-trafficking organization based in Hyderabad, India.With a touching story of its genesis and inveterate efforts made to attempt what many dismiss as in-achievable and hence untrod. Hats off to the people who are making it possible.
The print ad made for Prajwala does two things distinctly. The first is "obvious" - It educates the prospective victims who fall for false promises, assurances and lies before finding themselves into this abyss that what part of bargain will they be entitled to. Humiliation, Pain and Trauma. It also tries to educate and hence shock the existing and prospective 'buyers' with the guilt of pushing a fellow-being into this dark hole.
How successful they have been in this attempt, it is not a question to debate but to introspect, as individuals as well as a ‘civilized’ society. This must atleast make people try to spread awareness of one of the biggest shame of the society these days, where a fellow being is pushed to a point where she gives in for an act knowing what she is getting into. The idea is not to show women in bad light of weak and ignorant as many might argue but to shake-off the comfortable lack of conscience of the muted un-compassionate bunch (called society)
The end-text of the print ad leads to an "inferential" conclusion that the prostitution only exists till the buyers do. This further puts the onus on people for allowing such a shameful practice not just to continue but to also flourish. Prostitution breeds on vulnerable and marginalized sections of society and hence, an illusion of a day when no woman will be pushed into flesh-trade is as imaginative as it could get.The message hence, rightfully so puts the real culprit in the dock- the society which guarantees that this tragic experience of hundreds of thousands of women will continue till it itself decides to put an end to it.
You can check Prajwala'a website for the terrific work they are doing - http://www.prajwalaindia.com/genesis.html