I recently came across a print-ad for Nasaka water purifier from Okaya group, and in no time a peculiar fact hit me. Veteran actress Shabana Azmi is seen endorsing the water purifier in the ad. The peculiar fact was that her son (from Javed Akhtar’s first wife, Honey Irani) is also seen endorsing the same category product, Pureit from HUL.

The context and its implications of such a situation, also makes it imperative to judge if it is critical now to extend the boundary of due diligence and selection process for a brand ambassador beyond the individual to his closest set of people? Simply put, how pertinent it is to given to the individual’s image, appeal, relevance and credibility, should or shouldn’t the inner-circle deserves some notes and thinking, before inking that million dollar deal?
Coming back to the first example cited, Both Shabana Azmi and Farhan Akhtar are known to be thinking actors and have associated themselves to a social cause every now and then. They have also managed to stay away from any major controversy adeptly, while being known for speaking their mind up. Crafty! Such attributes make them very attractive brand ambassadors for food and health category. Hence, Okaya and HUL were both bang on with the choice of their endorsers. However, Okaya recently got Shabana Azmi to promote their Nasaka brand of water purifier, while it was well known that Farhan Akhtar promotes Pureit.
This can be a clean overlooking or may even be a thoughtful move. As Jack Trout and Al Reis suggest, in order to build a positioning in customer’s mind, try manipulating what is already there, instead of trying to create something new altogether. People know Farhan Akhtar and that he promotes pureit. So when Shabana Azmi comes up with an ad for another purifier, it helps than remember Nasaka since they would quickly relate Shabana Azmi to Farhan Akhtar, who is related to Pureit, and in the process will remember Nasak water purifier. Or at least the Nasaka marketers would hope for that.

In order to ensure that such confusions and complexities are never allowed to find their way in the prospects’ mind, it is important that the due-diligence which is a regular exercise, post personality-alignment between the brand and the prospective endorser, is not just restricted to the prospective endorser but also to his or her inner-circle ie, the closest family members. The due diligence must along with other things (acceptability, appeal, relevance, credibility, social status, legal baggage etc) include a possibility of prospective endorsements and a contingency plan in case the family member’s brand endorsement interferes directly or indirectly with the primary brand endorsement. While this is a internal preventive technique, marketers can also adopt a regulated preventive technique where contracts pertaining to brand endorsements can be made to extend the exclusivity and non-compete clauses to family members. These of course will be difficult to draft as well as implement, and beyond doubt much more expensive.
There are of course various factors to consider before choosing one of the two techniques and a risk-impact analysis is a must before making a final call. These techniques can help marketers avoid losing their sleep over a challenger brand piggy-backing on their brand ambassador’s family member (and hence manipulating an already established positioning of their brand in the prospect’s mind!).
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