Sunday 24 November 2013

Google Search Films - Business sense with Marketing 3.0

So what was the need for Google, already enjoying more than 95% of market share to make a series of ad films (Google search) promoting its presence and products?

When you are 95%+, it means it is just you!

The campaign is called Google search and was launched on 13th November for netizens.  It has five films with the first film setting the tone for the other 4 films. The first film(Reunion) is 3:03 minutes long while the other ones are between 40-60 seconds each. We will stick this post to the first film which is the introduction and highest viewed film among the set of five.

With a view count of more than 6 million in less than 2 weeks and 66000+ likes, it is clear that viewers have accepted the ad and the concept whole heartedly.  Some of the comments on the film on youtube will make Google guys very proud of themselves.  The ad is going to be broadcasted on television from 25th November. TVC space is expensive and the unique set of audience these ads will encounter on TV, will be the one which is not internet savvy, unlike the ones which have embraced the ad so strongly on net-space. Hence the question becomes even more critical. Does Google need this?

Before we answer this question, let us understand why this ad made such a furore on internet. Most have already figured out multiple emotional touch points these ads titillate, which have connected very well with the audience.

These are emotion of a generation who witnessed partition, friendship, affection, care etc.

Apart from this, Google has adopted an intelligent strategy of passive pitching in these ads. Nowhere in any of the film or voice over, the word ‘Google’  has been used. Hence, Google didn’t try to intrude the emotions and place its sales pitch into the films. Audience is intelligent and it always appreciates such gesture. A hard-sell approach would have killed the emotions!

Technically, this worked for Google since it is well-known by the viewers as a brand and hence it could afford to sit quietly as a product/service placed at multiple spots in the film but not announcing its presence. It worked better for Google because the films were released only on internet which means that it went to an audience who already knew what Google is.

Now coming to the ‘why?’

Shift towards  Marketing 3.0 –  With this campaign Google has promoted itself to Marketing 3.0 which as per Kotler is –

“...companies practicing Marketing 3.0 have bigger missions, visions, and values to contribute to the world; they aim to provide solutions to address problems in the society. Marketing 3.0 lifts the concept of marketing into the arena of human aspirations, values, and spirit”

This gives an edge and recall to the brand in audience’s mind as the brand is shown to celebrate human spirit and emotion.

The ad unlike believed however, is not a social or emotional build-up for nothing. There are subtle placements of the product/service which will make space in consumer’s consideration set without he/she being aware of it. These points are doing multiple things with multiple users –
  • It is educating the unaware about the product
  • It is bringing the product into consideration set for the fence-sitters
  • It is making itself as the preferred choice for hopping consumers and win their loyalty

Here are these points which without being loud, registers in audience’s mind sub-consciously –

  •  The first search shown in the film does not only show that Google is used for search, But it shows itself as the natural destination for search related services. It also shows Google to be the homepage which makes a lot of difference in the usage for a search engine
  • Google autocomplete is shown to help the user with their searches hence pitching this small but clever innovation that adds to customer ease in internet search
  • The very fact that the ad film seamlessly goes from a small mention of an old friend to them actually meeting shows the effectiveness of Google as a search engine. It basically suggests that Google search results are accurate and relevant to the search queries made
  • In a very clever way, all the offerings were bundled together seamlessly in the film – Google maps, Google plus, weather app, flight information app. The one-stop shop idea was smoothly integrated with the script which educated the audience about other services

Apart from the above mentioned, there are three communication points that stand out in terms of the bigger strategy that Google might have in mind. While the above mentioned are subtle insertions to promote the product and service the next three are more important in terms of adding users who have not been to internet yet and those who are going advanced in terms of mobile technology.

The idea of the two young people being very comfortable with Google applications goes on to show the connect the brand has with youth. It shows that the youth has invariably accepted Google as their “know it all” friend. It positions the brand itself as a young brand. A trait very important for a brand to posses in a country where two-third of its population is under 35 years of age.

Another interesting aspect was the young boy in Pakistan in his sweet-shop using internet and Google applications with ease. It shows that the tech savvy tag is not exclusive to corporates and students any more. Google shows that it has breached these boundaries to go to people and have brought them in a bigger pool of “tech-aware” consumers if not tech-savvy.

The most important point is the demonstration by Google on its seamless and logical integration of mobile devices for using its applications. The share of mobile devices in internet usage has been increasing rapidly. The mobile devices account for 62.5% of internet usage now as compared to 37.5% from desktops. Google has acknowledge this fact and showed its applications being used as comfortably on tabs and smart phones as on laptops. This is a master stroke where, without going away from the concept of the film, the mobile adaptability of the product and service is communicated.

Put together, the subtle insertions of various communication points in the films is brilliant marketing. How are these ads taken by TV audience which is a different set form internet audience on many parameters, will be interesting to see.



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