Wednesday 6 November 2013

Brand Building Series #1

CPM – Three Pillars of Brand Building 

Branding is everywhere. And hence, it has gone through what everything that is everywhere has – for ever and ever. Overburdened! Cliched!Confused!

Unfortunately, definitions and explanations sought on branding are more likely to confuse the seeker than clarify. The reason is the vicious mumbo jumbo everyone chooses to rattle rather than KISS-ing (Keep-ing it simple!)

This short piece is to make things really simple for everyone.

Brand is not the name of a company or a logo or a colour its mnemonics carry. Instead, these are part of the brand identity.

Brand, simply put is – What people perceive in their mind about 
  • A person
  • A company
  • A product/service

Obviously when we perceive something good about apple or amazon – It means that these companies have been successful in creating an effective and beneficial brand image for themselves. In broader terms they have been able to create a brand for themselves.

But how have they been able to do that while others either failed or were not so successful?
It takes more than just pumping money in campaigns and promotions to create a brand. It is generally a slower process and hence demands utmost discipline and patience.

In this piece, we only invoke the three pillars of brand building while keeping details on how a brand is built, for the next parts of the series. These pillars must be closely analyzed in order to move in the right direction to build a brand that lasts!

The three pillars of Brand Building are, CPM –
  • Customer
    • Who is my customer 
      • Target Group and traits
    • What delights him
      • Know what they expect and exceed it
    • What influences him 
      • Decision-making and influencers 
  • Product
    • What is my product type
      • High/Low Involvement              
      • Mass/Niche catering
      • Innovative/Me-too
    • Where does it fit in
      • Need
      • Comfort
      • Aspiration
    • What is its UVP  
      • Unique Value Proposition
  • Market
    • Competition
      • Acknowledge
      • Observe
      • Study
    • PoSs and PoDs
      • Points of Similarities
      • Points of Differences within products available in the market
    • Industry trends/Norms
      • Fundamentals of the Industry
      • Influencing factors

These pillars must be thoroughly understood by every marketer who wishes to build a brand.  Each parameter/question/factor mentioned under the pillar and sections under the pillar requires deep analysis which leads to certain answers.

Based upon these answers, a strategy is devised to help in building a brand. More on this, in the sequel to the series.


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